
A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

Hi,  Well, my favourite subject this semester is Quality Management.  I like that the teacher organized the subject correctly and gives us tools to make easier our learning, such as support material, guides that we do in groups and good disposition to solve doubts.  The main contents that we have seen are quality standards, good manufacturing practices, good laboratory practices and some leadership tips for the workplace. In general my favorite subject  is the course of study that I study every semester(Chemistry and Pharmacy) because it helps me understand what Pharmacist do and what we will do as professionals. Also in these subjects we work a lot in group and I really like that because as we are in a pandemic we make a video call with friends to talk about the subjects of the subject in this way we learn and have a lot of fun. 

An expert on your field

Welcome to my blog, Well, I can't say that i know an expert on my field because for me nobody is an expert. However i think that there are many people that have things more important like a talent and vocation.  Rosana Noya is a professional that inspired me, she was born in 1984, Spain. She studied Chemistry and pharmacy at university and she was always an excelent studient, she was curious for more areas in her career but her favourite area was always community pharmacy because in this way she can help patients more directly. Rosana always worked in a cummunity pharmacy and in 2002 she met my mother at work, and then they became best friends. My mom never studied Chemistry and pharmacy but Rosana always thaught my mom fun things about the job and my mom always told me that this career could be a good option for me. After several years thinking that i would study psychology i decided to study Chemistry and Pharmacy because she was my inpiration.  Currently she has her own pharmacy

A band/singer i like

When i have to say which is my favorite singer or group is some complicated for me because I like different styles of music, such as rap, reggae, reggaeton, rock, pop ... etc. However, a group that I have liked for a long time and that I still like currently is a Spanish group called LDS (Lágrimas de Sangre), this musical group I like because it is a mixture of many styles where there is not only a rhythm involved, also a lyric with meaning that transmits a message to you, each song is different from the previous one. Her music is similar to rap but a little more dance and funny.  LDS love to innovate, The most thing that i like about this band is that all song are different from the previous one, they all have a different style. My favorite album is the first one I heard from this group "Si uno no se rinde" and whenever I listen to it I remember good times , because it transmits a lot of joy. Another thing to note from this group is that his lyrics also are in catalan, featu

A photography i like

One of my favourite hobbies is to take photos because it is a good way to keep a moment and be able to relive it in some way , and this photo is one of my best works of art.  Describing this photo and it's meaning for me is difficult because it brings me back many memories of my experience as a scout in wich I was participing for five years. Fire is something that I really like because the semblance is very beautiful and the heat it transmits is very useful for cold summer nights.  I took this photo when I was in summer camp in 2018. The first years that I entered university too. Making a campfire with friends is a perfect space to share at night, especially eating things that can be heated such as marshmellows or sausages, it is also essential to put music and make games to spend time with friends.

My best friend

When I was a little girl, I thought that having a best friend was very important because on TV and films people always have a best friend, a partner or a person to do a lot of fun things, but in my case It can't be that way because I always have a lot of friends instead of just one friend.  In this blog I'm going to talk about two persons that i consider very important in my life. The first  person is Marta, I met Marta in 2011, Marta has always been a very interesting person because she knows a lot of about music, instruments and English, when we were together everything was happier and entertaining, we always did silly things, danced, sang and went to discover different places around the city. Sadly i was separated from her in 2013 because i went to live in another country. However, to this day we are still in contact.  The second person is Constanza, i met her in high school, she was very shy but we quickly became very friendly. Over time the confidence increased and now we

My Favorite Piece of Technology

Hi, friends. One of my favourite pieces of technology is my cellphone.  Since 2013 I used this piece of technology and i love it, because it's very useful and i always use it, i can use it to take photos, talk to my friends, do my hamework, listen to music, read books, etc. It would be difficult for me to stop using it because I use my cellphone for everything. 

Why did i choose my career?

Hi, When I was a little girl I didn't think what my career would be  but it's funny because my parents always said that I would be a Good psychologist  because I liked to listen and talk  with many persons and then I gave my opinión about all. When I was in High school I liked to teach to my friends when they did'nt know or understand the classes, so I thought that I was going to be a teacher, but this option didn't convence me. Then, I discovered that my favourite subject was chemistry because I loved to make labs and discover new things. When the university of chile called me to say that I was admitted in Chemistry and Pharmacy I felt lucky because I had accomplished my dream. Currently I study chemistry and pharmacy and I'm very happy for my choise.