A band/singer i like

When i have to say which is my favorite singer or group is some complicated for me because I like different styles of music, such as rap, reggae, reggaeton, rock, pop ... etc.

However, a group that I have liked for a long time and that I still like currently is a Spanish group called LDS (Lágrimas de Sangre), this musical group I like because it is a mixture of many styles where there is not only a rhythm involved, also a lyric with meaning that transmits a message to you, each song is different from the previous one. Her music is similar to rap but a little more dance and funny. 
LDS love to innovate, The most thing that i like about this band is that all song are different from the previous one, they all have a different style. My favorite album is the first one I heard from this group "Si uno no se rinde" and whenever I listen to it I remember good times , because it transmits a lot of joy. Another thing to note from this group is that his lyrics also are in catalan, feature that i really like because it makes it different from oyhers.Finally my favorite song is one that my best friend and I know by heart and it is called "Voy a celebrarlo" this is the best song of my favorite album and for nothing in the world would I change it.


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